Thursday, January 12, 2012



I have the opportunity to interact with a variety of not-for-profit boards and board members on a daily basis and from a variety of perspectives –as a rank-and-file member, as a board member, as a staff member and as a consultant.  

There are a lot of similarities among boards with regard to structure, practice and governance, but there are significant differences as well.   You can tell a lot about an organization in the first few minutes of any board meeting.  The ones that are prospering have board members and staff who know and believe in their core mission, always keeping in mind that their purpose is to serve their members.  

It can be easy for any board to get bogged down in governance and political issues.  One simple tactic to help maintain focus is to regularly remind board and staff members of the organization’s mission.  I have had the opportunity to work with a great board that opens every board meeting by reviewing their mission and vision statements.  It’s a great way to direct everyone’s attention to the tasks at hand, and to remind them that they are there to make decisions that are in the best interests of their members and the industry they serve.
So even if you haven’t quite gotten around to developing that strategic plan (always a good idea), at least make sure your board establishes mission and vision statements, and then regularly communicate them to your members, board and staff. 

-Kim Robinson

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