Monday, June 4, 2012

Do you know who your members are?

Your membership database is probably the single greatest asset of your association.  The right tools enable you to regularly mine your own data for information about what programs your members and customers most value.  Products purchased, events attended or items downloaded are a great source of marketing information that can help guide your association in developing new programs or offerings.  

Identifying and paying for the right database software is one of the largest commitments an association will make.  You can lose a lot of time and money by making the wrong choice.  We recommend starting with a checklist of your highest priorities.  For example, do you need the software to integrate with your accounting software?   Do you need online event registration?  Do you sell products online?  Do you need to automatically defer dues or event income?   How much will the software cost – including staff training costs?  These are just a few considerations.  There are dozens of other questions you will likely need answers to.

After you’ve narrowed down your list, ask for recommendations from existing clients who are actually using the software.  Everything works well in a demo.  You need to know whether it works in reality.  You can also learn a lot about the software company’s track record of supporting its clients after the sale.  

Finally, be realistic about the investment your staff will need to make in actually mastering the software once the decision is made, and establish a training program and schedule.  It seems to be more the rule than the exception that associations invest enormous resources in association management software that is never used to its full potential – either because the wrong product is purchased or the staff is never adequately trained.  



  1. In this post you have given good subject like how to manage your database and also describe association management software. Thanks for provide amazing information.
